

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Review:Ode to the poor Gosha Rubchinskiy Paris Menswear A/H 2015-16 Day 1 21.01.2015

It was so low and even without any sense of culture clothes.This collection is an ode to the poor vilage and suburb people of Moscow and the whole communistic coutries in the East.It will be good if this is taken as a satire,but in a case of realy selling this style as a fashion brand,you have to think twice.It is for sure that this kind of clothes,will never been accept as a fashionable ones,so is stupid to me to made comments upon there fabric or else what.If the designer choose to present the poor,that has to be done in other way,and not hidding behind the "СПОРТ",boxing in particular,as a think that is concider less stylish or in fashion,but this days quite in trend(as seen by Karl Lagerfeld).Is sad and goes over every taste,and in the end is nothing NEW,(I don`t even want to speak about the Tommy Hilfinger re-made logo) is only copy-past.

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