

Friday, January 9, 2015

Review:Chistopher Shannon A/W 2015-16 Day 1 London Collection Man 09.01.2015

Always a message in a pop-art way.The sport wear is the next best thing for sure and Chistopher Shannon  knows how to produce a great one.The show start with blue and black sweatshirts and black sporty pants.The sweatshirts were applicate with portraits a were care the surname of the designer.On the show,shirts with a pieces of colorful material and they looks very futuristic.Then an Coca Cola can on sweatshirt on which is wrote “Broke”and one empty plastic bag on which is wrote”Thanks for Nothing”and “Save Me”a big statement.The collection clothes realy looks like one homeless clothes.Winter coats with a corset belt,pants in black naked and a lot of layers and pieces of jacet over shirt,plastic bags for garbage on which is wrote”Shannon”.Then more sport wardrobe with metal buttons ,who are used to made a whole piece.Trainers are simple but very urban and in the hats are replice with plastic-shop bags.

This collection is an political statement.Galliano ones made a whole Haute Couture collection for Dior using the Paris homless people.This is quite the same and it want to say to all of as,once more,that the fashion is more than beautiful clothes.Let`s Help to the less fortuned,the homless ones.If you want to support this cause,you should buy some of this clothes.


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