

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Revew:London College of Fashion London Fashion Week Collections Fall-Winter 2015/16

On the eve on the start of London Fashion Week Collection for Fall-Winter 2015-16,the young get to shine in all their glory.Indeed,the students,from London College of Fashion,give to as an great remark on the Fashion,as they see,what is going around,in the Fashion World,with an unique sense,and with their hard work and learning,at the college,they produce magic.The fresh,conceptual and avat-garde creations,with an powerful voice,great ideas and a great talent,were synonyme of great Fashion. I`m always happy,when young,get the chance,to show their works to the public,as they are epitome,of the new waves in the Fashion.We have seen a lot of new designers,in the past few years,some better,some worst,but is easy to get to the conclusion,in the end,that they all ,want to give to the World,the best they know.It was the same,with this young people,which hard work,is seen in every atom of the clothes.Futuristic and minimalistic,black and white fabrics,in one amazing tailoring.Then an soft pink and red story,romantic,very sensible story,for girls,who want to dream.Modern dandy,or woman in tartan,ballon-shirts and over sized sweatshirt.There was leather in one beautiful shapes and cuts,for a strong womans,who want to wear an officer hat (or BDSM,if you like).Baby blue and sky,a fairy touch on transforming old style pieces clothes, in an modern way,and for Me the best one,the bright orange and red,so clean,well tailored,with such an beautiful lines of military and court dressing,broches,and a printed skirt,which was a masterpiece canvas.
Big ,big like,for all the students.Even they are on their beginnings,this was more than good.Their profesors,and them alone,have to be given the biggest Applause!

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