

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Review:Meadham Kirchhoff London Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2015 Day 5 16.09.2014 (photos via Now Fashion)

One of the last shows on London Fashion Week was Meadham Kirchhoff `s, with their ever evolving style, which brings them a significant place in British fashion. Always on the funny and happy side, their collections are blossom of bright colors, with accessories to die for.
For next Spring the duo takes as on the path of woman and man who don`t care for anything,” Reject everything” in their own words,plus”Bitch”,”Whore”,”Cunt”,”Love” as it was written at the collection catalog. The models were not professional ones, choosen by an open casting call.
After all of this, come the clothes. It was a parade of material, colors and cuts. It was so messy, but with a point. Even all was styled to look like trash, those pieces can easy be worn in everyday life(Ok some of them).But this is only a show, a theatrical of this not even going to the stores ,as we all know. Swimsuit in pink and white with printed words on it, and yellow polka dots thighs, opend the show, followed by a game-space warrior suit. Man in Punk inspired t-shirt with a text on it. Pink boots and trainers worn by both boys and girls. Feathers in the head and dramatic make-up. Then an old styled dress in blue and long ping coat for the mens.The black sheer dress was just made for the goddess of sex.Shirts were great cut and worn with thighs or skirts. For men was quite similar shirt in blue. Colors of red,white,yellow,pink were painting the fabrics and the trainers, a story by itself, in combination of few colors, high with weird tied. After few more dresses with feathers,leather and red threads, the show was closed with a black sheer dress.

Style is something that you build all you life. So put in the context of Meadham Kirchhoff, they are on the right path. They own. Right!

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