

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Review:Lee Roach A/W 2015-16 Day 2 London Collection Man 10.01.2015

When you take clothes out of their original contex and put them in an other World,you can win a medal or left with nothing.In the case of Lee Roach you get the medal.With his new collection he give a tribune to the medievil village clothes,who put together with modern garments look so contemporary.
Coats and long turtlesneck tops in bone-white are perfect choise for the black pants with zipp.The belt around the waist is almost on every piece,giving that medievil vibe.The silver slim pants were so rocky and the neon-orange tops,details and pants,remind as that man can look just great in this colors too.On the show more total black outfits,with beautiful biker coats and black simple `vilage` shoes.Here was an Indian influence too,very good traditional re-interpretation.
There can be a bit more or less cuts ,but still this is One great concept of style.

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